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Bill's Superheat, Inc. Blog

Warm Weather Woes: Get Prepared!

So, the temperature is slowly but surely starting to rise. The snow will be melted at some point and all of our HVAC hurdles will be lifted, right? Well, not exactly. The problem with seasons is that every single one has its own problems that need to be addressed.

There are two things we want to focus in on when it comes to spring temperatures and the problems that come with them. The first is rain and those last bouts of cold temperatures, since you’re still going to need your heater to keep you comfortable. The second issue that will come with snow melting is the heap of contaminants that will be released into the air and cause some problems for your respiratory health.

Don’t worry, we don’t talk about problems that we can’t solve on this blog. Whether it’s heater maintenance or an air filtration system in Kalispell, MT, we’re here to save the day!

The Big Melt

We get a lot of precipitation every year in Kalispell. It’s not bad, we love enjoying the snowy sports, going sledding, snowshoeing, and even just watching the snowfall from a distance from our cozy living rooms. Most, if not all of our homes are built with weather-resistant material that’s designed to keep cold temperatures out and hold the snow that can build up on our roofs. Aside from some hazardous road conditions every time there’s a snow shower, it’s really not that bad.

We’d argue that the worst part about snowfall in Kalispell is the melting in the spring. Melting snow can cause floods and allow for cold temperatures to last longer. When ice and snow is thick, it retains the cold temperatures for longer, regardless of how many warm days we get. Things don’t just heat up in a day or two like they would in California or Florida.

Water and the Cold Temperatures Remaining

This permafrost and the cold that lingers is a good reason to invest in heater maintenance late in the game. You might have forgotten about it last fall, and you might be thinking that we’re almost out of the woods, but that’s not exactly true. There are still cold days ahead of us and one or two snow storms that will hit us. Having a functioning, efficient heater is still an important aspect of comfort until summer rolls along.

Everything Else in the Air

As layers and layers of snow and ice melt, lots of contaminants can be released into the air. Dirt, dust, dander, ash, germs, and everything else that got frozen over on our coldest days of the year. While it might feel great to open a window and enjoy the warmer temperatures, your home will quickly get hit with contaminants that will cause your allergies to flair up and the coughs to ensue.

Investing in an air filtration system could be one way to deal with these contaminants for now, while the wind sweeps them away. An air filter will allow your home to remove these contaminants from the air when you’re really trying to focus on indoor life.

Contact Bill’s Superheat, Inc. Here to Save the Day!

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